Teen couple uses funny—and compelling slideshow to ask parents for sleepovers

This slideshow should be preserved and played at this young couple’s wedding one day. Newly 18 year old kids—Kaysha and Kaiden, who are still in high school—presented a slideshow presentation asking Kaiden’s parents if Kaysha could have sleepovers at his house. At the end of the video, Kaiden said the slideshow was all Kaysha’s idea, and he just held the computer. But their combined and very creative efforts lead to a “yes” from his mom and dad.

“Have always been very honest and open with my kids. Respect goes both ways,” Kaiden’s mom commented in the video when asked for tips on how to raise respectful teens like that. “Talk a lot about everything. Nothing is off limits when it comes to conversation,” she said.

The first slide laid out the topics of discussion for the presentation. The meeting’s agenda included “Babies?!? NEVER!” “We won’t be loud,” “We won’t stay up late,” “We are smart kids,” “Parent Info,” then lastly, “You are our favorite mom.”

For the “Babies?!? NEVER!” slide, Kaiden said, “Sex? Bad.” as Kaysha added, “We’ve got some sh*t to do with our future. Sex means babies, which equals broke, and I’m not trying to be broke,” she said. “I don’t want that responsibility right now,” she continued, and added she kind of wants to shove little kids over when they cry. “So, least of your worries,” she concluded. Plus, she added that she really liked Channing Tatum, so she’s saving herself for him.

Then they promise to “shut up” and not stay up late, as they’ll probably be watching movies anyway, and the boyfriend goes to bed at 10:45 p.m. every night anyway. 

“You don’t want to hear kids. You want to drink wine. Take shots,” Kaysha acknowledged. 

The next slide shows photos of them, claiming they’re smart “kind of” and they’re angels and have proof. “Sex and drugs are bad. Let’s read the Bible – Kaiden and Kaysha’s real quote.”

They concluded with showing their grades from school—all A’s and one B—and then opened the floor to comments and questions. 

Mom was so impressed at the amount of respect Kaysha and Kaiden had for the family by asking and not sneaking around that she was speechless after, per her response to a viewer’s comment. 

“In this day and age, most are teens sneaking out. Happy they felt safe and comfortable enough to ask. In the best possible way!” mom said.

While mom initially said no that particular night, she did say yes about a week later after a “good long talk with them,” she said. So open communication and respect are key when trying to have sleepovers with significant others, and a little slideshow presentation certainly helps, too.

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