Retail Executives Prioritize Product Knowledge to Drive Holiday Sales, Survey Finds

As the retail industry heads into the peak holiday shopping season, there’s a lot on the minds of executives, according to the latest survey from Multimedia Plus, which identified “product knowledge communications” as a top challenge for 32 percent of respondents.

Product knowledge communications is how front-line workers are informed about products and services to better serve shoppers. In the 2023 survey, inflation was the top concern. Researchers at Multimedia Plus said retailers “are prioritizing the need to equip their staff with the right information to drive sales during the critical holiday shopping period.”

David Harouche, chief executive officer and chief technology officer at Multimedia Plus, said executives in retail and hospitality “are recognizing that well-trained, knowledgeable associates can make a significant difference in customer satisfaction and sales. With the fast pace of product turnover and the introduction of new technology, product knowledge is key to ensuring success during the holiday season.”

Managing inflation and pricing was a top concern for 15.5 percent of respondents, as was strengthening loss prevention. “Although staffing and recruitment remains a concern for 13.7 percent of respondents, this represents a slight shift from last year when staffing challenges were ranked higher,” the report’s authors said. “However, in a deeper dive into staffing issues for the holiday season, 36 percent of respondents noted that recruiting remains one of the biggest challenges, along with scheduling difficulties (36 percent). The survey also highlights that onboarding new associates (24 percent) continues to pose significant obstacles for many retailers.”

Regarding new technology and training initiatives, Multimedia Plus said new employee training and communications dominates as the top initiative, with 61.9 percent of respondents identifying it as a priority. “This aligns with the rising emphasis on making sure employees are well-prepared to handle new systems and processes, especially in the face of increasing technological investments,” the company said.

When asked about priorities for 2025, leadership development topped the list at 47.6 percent. “This is a notable increase from previous years, reflecting the industry’s growing recognition of the importance of strong leadership in driving operational success and employee retention,” the report’s authors said, adding that operations training “continues to hold steady as a significant priority (23.8 percent), underscoring the need for consistent, well-prepared management teams to navigate the challenges of modern retail.”

“With continued emphasis on leadership development and operations training, retailers are investing in long-term growth and stability,” Harouche said. “The right training and communication platforms allow retailers to streamline their efforts, ensuring that their workforce is not only prepared for the holiday season but well-equipped for the future.”

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