How Much Does Your ‘Frankenstack’ Tech Strategy Cost?

Why do so many brokerages pursue a costly and outmoded “best-in-class” tech strategy when it rarely delivers on its promises?

Despite good intentions, assembling a patchwork of standalone tech tools creates a fragmented mess that hinders productivity and drives up costs. The allure of having the “best” often blinds broker/owners to the inefficiencies and frustrations that come with siloed technology. 

It’s time to ask: Is your tech stack helping your agents succeed or holding them back?

The best-in-class illusion

The biggest issue with integrating multiple “best-in-class” solutions is that they rarely, if ever, work together seamlessly. On the surface, equipping your agents with the top tools for every task sounds like a smart move. However, the truth is that these tools typically don’t play well together.

Each tool may shine on its own, but when agents must navigate between disconnected systems, they enter the same information repeatedly. This creates a fractured tech environment that hinders more than it helps.

Take, for instance, a brokerage that spends tens of thousands of dollars developing a custom mobile app. It’s slick, looks impressive and is designed to help agents on the go. 

The reality? Maintaining the app is costly. Updates are cumbersome and, worst of all, adoption among agents never reaches the expected level. In the end, the app never delivers a return on the investment.

Why the all-in-one movement is winning

From healthcare to retail to finance, businesses are abandoning siloed systems in favor of all-in-one platforms that integrate functions seamlessly. These industries have realized that fragmented systems lead to data inconsistency, operational inefficiencies and poor customer experiences.

In real estate, the benefits of an all-in-one platform have never been more important, especially as artificial intelligence becomes deeply integrated. Agents need CRM, marketing automation, digital campaigns and social boosting all in one place—without the need to switch between multiple systems. 

The inefficiencies of agents repeatedly entering the same data between disconnected tools isn’t just frustrating; it’s costing your brokerage money and opportunities.

Clinging to outdated strategies

Clinging to a fragmented tech strategy is outdated and vastly more expensive than all-in-one platforms. 

The best-in-class approach is often folly because there is always something new on the horizon, and it becomes a never-ending chase that drains resources. 

Meanwhile, robust, evolving all-in-one systems are the smarter investment, ensuring that agents can always access top-tier tools without juggling multiple systems.

Positive impact on your bottom line

By consolidating your tech stack into a cohesive system, you not only save significant dollars but also unlock the full potential of your technology, empowering your agents to perform at their best.

To read more about why all-in-one platforms are proving to be the smarter investment, download our white paper here

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