Going to Music Together® classes is a bonding experience to cherish forever

One of the most amazing parts of being a parent is getting to experience everything anew through the eyes and ears of your child. Music, especially, gives us the chance to share many meaningful moments. When we sing and dance with our littles, we are reminded of how it feels to be moved by music as we watch them discover it.  

There’s nothing like watching your baby clap their hands for the first time to a jazzy tune…

There’s nothing like joining your toddler (and their new pals) in a dance party…  

There’s nothing like the warm feeling when you and your child sing a favorite song together…

You can expect many loving, bonding moments like these in Music Together® class—and that only scratches the surface of what your family stands to gain. From the cognitive benefits of music to the socialization opportunities of class and beyond, participating in Music Together is a choice that you’ll cherish for years to come.

Music Together classes are thoughtfully planned

When a Music Together class is in session, happy voices, music and laughter fill the air! Little ones jam out on child-friendly percussion instruments, sing along to catchy, award-winning tunes (that you’ll love too!) and share dance moves. 

Of course, the best musicians inspire participation from everyone—and at Music Together, parents and caregivers join in the music-making fun, too. Research shows that young children learn best through play with the grownups they love, so the bonds created during these dedicated weekly music sessions support their overall learning and development.

The advantages are just as great for parents, too. During the 45 minutes of class, you can truly tune out noise from the outside world and tune in to just making music with your child. Over the course of the semester, other class members turn into familiar faces and friendships often take root. Music Together classes are a great way to socialize while participating in an enriching, positive experience. (And with classes in more than 2,500 locations for babies through 8-year-olds, there are options for everyone.)

Music engages the whole brain

Singing, moving and playing with music is such a good time, you may not realize how good it really is for your child. It turns out that active music-making engages the whole brain and naturally supports cognitive development. 

This is true for even the youngest of participants: Research shows that music, moving and dancing activate parts of babies’ brains that help with emotional regulation, motor skills, memory recall and more. The trend continues throughout toddlerhood and beyond, as two large-scale studies of preschoolers have shown that Music Together supports overall learning skills, such as problem-solving, language development and physical coordination. 

The cognitive benefits of music are undeniably great. Just as impressive is the strong link between Music Together and social-emotional development, including improvements in the areas of self-esteem and self-confidence. Music Together is an opportunity for little ones to engage with other children, learn from teachers and experience being a part of a community.

You’ll feel inspired to incorporate music into daily life

At Music Together, parents watch their children sing, dance and play their way to a lifelong love of music–and often discover (or re-discover!) the fun in creating music themselves. After joining Music Together, don’t be surprised when you find yourself weaving musical moments into ordinary tasks: singing during bath time, winding down with a favorite lullaby, or using a playful tune to keep your child focused on a task such as getting dressed. 

When music is a part of everyday life, families naturally take advantage of its benefits, from the developmental, to the social, to the bonding. Music Together will inspire you to make your family’s world more musical, and, as you watch your child create their own relationship to music, you’ll form memories that you will cherish forever. Little ones grow up fast. So find a class near you—and discover the magic of music for your family.

The fall semester for Music Together begins soon at most centers. Find a class in your neighborhood and reserve your spot today!

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