Navigating Mandatory Changes Following the NAR Settlement

When it comes to successfully guiding clients through the real estate process, transparency is key. Proving your worth and value as a real estate professional is critical—and perhaps even more important today, given the policy changes required under the National Association of REALTORS®’ (NAR) Settlement Agreement in the seller commission cases taking effect this month. 

In addition to requiring the removal of compensation offers from the MLS, the settlement agreement also requires MLS participants to enter into a written agreement with the buyer prior to touring a home. This includes both in-person and virtual tours.  

Buyer-broker agreements have long been a staple in the industry, but formalized agreements can significantly increase transparency with clients and reinforce your value proposition, which is crucial in today’s changing real estate landscape.

These agreements do more than just protect both parties involved; they clearly outline the expectations and responsibilities of each party, thereby reinforcing trust and clarity in the client-broker relationship.

Establish a working relationship

While specific provisions must be included per the NAR settlement, a buyer-broker agreement formalizes the working relationship between the consumer and their agent. The agreement can encompass a variety of elements, including, but not limited to the services the buyer can expect, what agents can and can’t do, their business routine, a start and end date and even payment guidelines. 

Account for choice and optionality

When using buyer-broker agreements, be mindful of the fact that the legally binding contract is ultimately a written record of the terms agreed upon by both the real estate professional and the prospective buyer. Clear and transparent communication will ensure that everyone is working toward the same end goal and that expectations are being met at every step along the way. 

Foster a long-lasting relationship

By establishing clear expectations and reducing the risk of misunderstandings, real estate professionals can infuse a greater level of transparency into the process—laying the foundation for a strong relationship that can weather any challenges. Openly discussing the terms of representation is mission-critical for those looking to infuse trust into the relationship, and by acting in the buyer’s best interest, clients will feel educated about the real estate process. 

Boosting value in an ever-evolving landscape
While real estate professionals and consumers alike stand to benefit from using buyer-broker agreements, keeping the lines of communication open—and the conversation honest and transparent—will ensure that consumers are aware of their value.

For those looking to further educate buyers, buyer-broker agreements also:
• Guarantee the client has a loyal advocate by their side throughout the transaction
• Clarify the expected services and facilitate a successful transaction through collaboration
• Make certain clients understand the agent’s representation and duties as well as the possibility of serving as a dual agent
• Provide consumers the opportunity to inquire about compensation details, including payment responsibilities

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